Thursday, July 27, 2023

20 Reasons Why Your Facebook Account May Get Hacked

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, and Facebook remains one of the most popular platforms for connecting with friends and family. However, with its widespread usage comes an increasing risk of account hacking. Understanding the potential vulnerabilities can help users safeguard their accounts. Here are 20 reasons why your Facebook account may get hacked:

  1. Weak Passwords: Easily guessable passwords make it easy for hackers to gain unauthorized access.
  2. Phishing: Falling for phishing scams can lead to divulging login credentials to malicious actors.
  3. Malware and Keyloggers: Infected devices can capture login information without your knowledge.
  4. Unsecured Wi-Fi: Logging in from public Wi-Fi exposes your credentials to potential attackers.
  5. Password Reuse: Using the same password across multiple platforms increases the risk of compromise.
  6. Social Engineering: Hackers can manipulate individuals into revealing sensitive account information.
  7. Account Recovery Weaknesses: Inadequate recovery options can be exploited by attackers.
  8. Outdated Software: Using outdated apps or systems may expose known vulnerabilities.
  9. Insider Threats: Trusted individuals with access may misuse account privileges.
  10. Phony Apps: Installing unauthorized third-party apps can compromise your account.
  11. Clickjacking: Hidden malicious links can trick users into clicking and compromising their accounts.
  12. Brute Force Attacks: Repeated login attempts with various passwords until one succeeds.
  13. Account Sharing: Letting others access your account can lead to unauthorized use.
  14. Public Profile Information: Sharing sensitive details openly can aid hackers in impersonation.
  15. Insecure Browser Extensions: Certain extensions may compromise your account security.
  16. Lack of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Absence of an extra layer of security leaves accounts vulnerable.
  17. Account Cloning: Hackers may replicate accounts to conduct scams or phishing.
  18. Forgotten Logins: Abandoned accounts might be easier targets if recovery information is outdated.
  19. Third-Party Website Compromises: Using Facebook credentials on untrusted sites may expose your login information.
  20. Data Breaches: Security breaches on Facebook's end can lead to compromised accounts.

Protecting your Facebook account involves staying vigilant, using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, being cautious with links, and staying updated on security best practices. Regularly reviewing and adjusting privacy settings can also minimize the risk of falling victim to hacking attempts, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable social media experience.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

How to build site with google apps script

To build a website using Google Apps Script, you can follow these general steps:
  1. Create a new Google Apps Script project:
    • Go to and create a new project.
    • Give your project a name and save it.
  2. Set up the HTML and CSS files:
    • In your Apps Script project, click on the "Files" menu and choose "New > HTML file" to create an HTML file.
    • Write your HTML code in the editor.
    • You can also create a CSS file by choosing "New > HTML file" and writing your CSS code.
  3. Write server-side code:
    • In your Apps Script project, go to the "" file.
    • Write server-side code using JavaScript.
    • You can handle requests, process data, and interact with other Google services.
  4. Create web app deployment:
    • In your Apps Script project, go to the "Publish" menu and choose "Deploy as web app."
    • Set the access permissions and choose the version you want to deploy.
    • Click on "Deploy" and copy the generated web app URL.
  5. Test and iterate:
    • Open the generated web app URL in a browser to test your website.
    • Make any necessary adjustments to the code and redeploy the web app.
  6. Enhance your website:
    • Add functionality using client-side JavaScript code in the HTML file.
    • Interact with external APIs, databases, or other services as needed.
    • Customize the design using CSS.
Remember that Google Apps Script has certain limitations and is primarily designed for automating tasks within Google services. It may not be suitable for building complex websites with advanced functionality. If you require a more robust and scalable web development solution, consider using other frameworks and technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and hosting platforms like Firebase, Google Cloud, or other web hosting services.


Monday, July 3, 2023

Fireworks photography

Settings for fireworks photography

Photographing fireworks can be a beautiful and exciting experience. Here are some settings and tips to help you capture stunning fireworks photos:

  1. Use a Tripod: Stability is crucial when shooting fireworks. A sturdy tripod will keep your camera steady during long exposures.
  2. Manual Mode: Switch to Manual Mode on your camera to have complete control over the settings.
  3. Low ISO: Set your ISO to the lowest value (typically ISO 100 or 200) to reduce noise in your images.
  4. Aperture: Start with a mid-range aperture like f/8 to f/11. This allows you to have a good balance of sharpness and depth of field.
  5. Shutter Speed: For most fireworks, a shutter speed of 2 to 6 seconds works well. Experiment with longer exposures for multiple bursts in a single frame.
  6. Manual Focus: Set your lens to manual focus and focus to infinity. Fireworks are often far away, and manual focus ensures sharp shots.
  7. Use a Remote Shutter Release: A remote shutter release or the self-timer function will help eliminate camera shake during exposure.
  8. Turn off Image Stabilization: If your lens has image stabilization, turn it off when using a tripod to avoid unintended blur.
  9. Composition: Consider the composition of your shots. Include interesting foreground elements, like a city skyline or a landmark, to add depth to your images.
  10. Shoot in RAW: Photograph in RAW format to retain more information for post-processing adjustments.
  11. Be Prepared: Anticipate the timing of the fireworks and be ready to capture the bursts as they happen.
  12. Experiment and Have Fun: Fireworks photography can be unpredictable, so experiment with different settings and enjoy the process.

Remember, each fireworks display can be different, so don't be afraid to adjust your settings as needed throughout the event. Take the time to review your shots as you go, making adjustments to get the best results. With some practice and creativity, you can capture stunning fireworks photos to celebrate the 4th of July or any other fireworks event.

Top 5 4th of July hacking movies

As of my last update in September 2021, there aren't many 4th of July-specific hacking movies that are well-known. However, there are some great hacking-themed movies that you might enjoy watching on Independence Day or any other day:

  1. WarGames (1983) - Directed by John Badham, this classic film follows a young computer whiz who inadvertently hacks into a military supercomputer and almost starts World War III.
  2. Hackers (1995) - Directed by Iain Softley, this cult classic features a group of young hackers who uncover a conspiracy while navigating the world of hacking and cybercrime.
  3. Sneakers (1992) - Directed by Phil Alden Robinson, this movie revolves around a team of security experts who are blackmailed into stealing a powerful decryption device.
  4. The Matrix (1999) - Directed by the Wachowskis, this iconic sci-fi action film showcases hackers discovering the truth about their reality and their role in a simulated world controlled by machines.
  5. Live Free or Die Hard (2007) - Directed by Len Wiseman, this is the fourth installment of the Die Hard series, where John McClane battles cyber-terrorists attempting to shut down the entire United States.

Please note that the hacking landscape in movies can be fictionalized and exaggerated for entertainment purposes, and real hacking may have different implications and consequences. Nevertheless, these movies can be a fun way to enjoy some tech-related action on the 4th of July.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Travel itinerary template google sheets

Are you planning a trip and looking for a convenient and organized way to keep track of your travel plans? Look no further! With our custom Travel Itinerary Template on Google Sheets, your travel planning will become a breeze.

Our template is designed to help you stay on top of all the important details for your trip. It includes sections for dates, destinations, accommodation information, transportation details, activities, and even a packing checklist. With this template, you can easily input and update your travel information, making it accessible from any device with an internet connection.

Why choose our Travel Itinerary Template on Google Sheets? Here are a few key reasons:
  1. Convenience: Access your travel itinerary anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection and a device to log in to your Google account.
  2. Customizable: Tailor the template to your specific needs and preferences. Add or remove sections, adjust the layout, and make it truly your own.
  3. Collaboration: Share the itinerary with your travel companions, allowing them to contribute and stay informed about the trip's plans.
  4. Real-time Updates: Keep your itinerary up-to-date with real-time changes. Whether you modify the schedule or add new activities, your travel plan will reflect the latest information.
  5. Easy Organization: Stay organized with a comprehensive overview of your travel arrangements, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
So, if you're ready to make your travel planning smoother and more efficient, give our Travel Itinerary Template on Google Sheets a try. Create a new sheet, customize it to your liking, and embark on your journey with peace of mind, knowing that all your travel details are well-organized and easily accessible. Happy travels!