Sunday, July 19, 2020

Google Apps Script Web App Sheets as Database

Building your own web app or website takes amount of your money. Although there some low cost web hosting platform out there, it isn't cheap either. You can build the page with default templates. The next thing you need to consider is the database.

Database don't come cheap either and it will cost your per usage. Or, you could choose from various package. But, then again, you need to anticipate your space usage over time.
Google Sheets as database

Sheets already has the basic feature of a database. Which is,structured tables and can be accessed through script. We are going to use Google Apps Script for this and let me show you an overall process on how will this work.

The 3 components
  1. Login page - this is a web page. For demo we are using this as to where user will provide login credentials. 3 parts for this. When you create a new Apps Script, you will need to have for Google Apps Scripts, HTML for the login page and SCRIPT file for the javascript. I'm showing below a working example.

    Login Page Scripts:
  2. User Credential Database - this is the repository of the user credentials. It could also be some other database needed to validate user id/passwords or user sessions. Here's how the spreadsheet was structured for application. You can use the credentials shown to preview the demo web application. Click LINK for the login page
  3. Web app - this could be the main web page and where the services are in a successful login

    The Script:
This is a very quick setup or scripting session for this demo. This is enough to develop your application with same approach. This is foundational you may tweak a little to some degree. To learn more about Google Apps Script, click Buy Now button below. It's a good reference for your study.

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