Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Post-PC era and Windows for Every Tablet is near

Have you ever wondered if we still have those conventionally PC's we have will still be around for the next 5 to 10 years. Or, would you still buy them at that time. The PC (Personal Computer) I'm referring to is the conventional workstation we have at home and at work. Where in you have the CPU, and its corresponding Peripherals connected by cables and sorts of hardware attaching to it. Doing upgrades and such.

Also, on the same plane, when we speak about PC's we always tagged along with the OS in it. And since its inception, during the 1980's, almost 90% of PC's were using Windows Operating System. Now, with the prediction of evolving the Personal Computing into something else will Windows also dissolve in the decline of conventional PC demand.

Post - PC era is certainly near?

According Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of apple, the day where in 1 of x people utilize a traditional PC, is coming. Metamorphically relating it to a truck in an Agrarian region and Cars with automatic transmission as to the city. Imagine the ration, 1:x, where x could be any number and I'm sure Steve Jobs referring huge scale of numbers.

What could possibly made him arrive to that prediction? Surprisingly, iPad sold millions in just 60 days and expect to be more of it in the coming quarters, especially on its international launch. Is he thinking, the iPad could be the answer to our daily computing needs? Well, of course, he is. . Tablet devices well soon replace the conventional PC, which can and will do it applications and use.

Well, in fact, he could be right. Personal Computing have gone us through a long way. It evolves so much from a bulky Desktop PC, Laptop and Pocket PC and it is possibility that in the long run it will be obsolete.

Windows on every Tablet.

Windows will still be alive? The Microsoft "Flag Bearer" is known for anything. From security loop holes, number of pirated OS versions and many application related issues which, I know most you have it's share from it. I guess, we are just looking one way and not what it has offered us for the 3 decades.

If not, Windows is the pioneer of the user friendly interface. Since, the 1980's it was the mostly used OS and recently it still is, but with some major competitors as well. With the rise of the Tablet's and also Windows OS be. Number of personal computing firm is putting now it toes on the Tablet field. And of course for it to work, you need an OS with it.

What I think, for two reasons, Windows will be on every Tablet:

1. Hardware Compatibility - Must major chip manufacturer, especially of microprocessor, have already patterned is architecture on Windows application.

2. Microsoft OS applications are affordable - pocket convenient compared to other Operating Systems. Everything will follow from then on. Most of the users are Students on their Home Workstations and School institutions who would rather purchase the less cost and other firms who prefers Microsoft for that reason.

So, will Steve Jobs be correct in his prediction? Or am I right with Windows fate in the Tablet era? Share your thought.

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